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Improved Cooking Stoves Programme in Burundi


Project name: Improved Cooking Stoves Programme in Burundi

Project owner: POWA

Standard: Verra VCS

Project ID: 2828

The project activity consists in producing and distributing efficient cooking stoves for households in Burundi in replacement of traditionnal stoves. Burundi is a landlocked country classified as a Least Developped Country.
Between 1990 and 2010, the country has lost 40% of its forest cover, that is why Powa decided to take action and has developed this program (operationnal since 2018). Their objective is to fight climate change, deforestation and contribute to sustainable development in Burundi.

Currently, the common practice for cooking in most households consists of using traditional wood fuel cooking stoves such as open fire system (3-stones), and old masonery stoves. These stoves are notoriously wasteful with an efficiency level around 10%, and produces smokes that can cause respiratory disease.

The improved cookstoves are localy-manufactured in Bujumbura, they have a better efficiency level, are more user friendly and produce less harmful smokes. They will help users to slash down their budget allocated to wood fuel purchase, and it will enhance food security by releasing budget to buy more diversified food.

Powa is a private company established by OBEN’s founders. They have more than 15 years of experience and operating 5 successfull carbon programs, employing 175 staff and generating $2m of turnover (2021). Their production facility is located in Bujumbura. The site stretchs across 6 hectares and features 3 lines of production for the stoves. A fleet of 14 vehicles is dedicated to supply & deliveries.


Between 1990 and 2010, Burundi lost 40% of its forest due to deforestation.

The project avoids deforestation in the country.

Traditional stoves use a lot of wood fire to produce heat and cook the meals.

The new stoves reduce by 50% the consumption of wood fire.

Traditional stoves (open fire three stones) make it difficult to control the fire, and increase the risks of fire hazard.

The new stoves limit all of these risks, with a new design making it more user friendly and safe to use.

Traditional stoves produce harmful smokes.

The project reduce indoor air pollution and related risk to respiratory diseases.
