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Boulenouar Wind Power Plant


Project Name: Boulenouar

Project owner: Somelec

Standard: Evident

Project ID: BOULES20001

Located close to the border with Morocco, at 400km north of Nouakchott (capital city), the Boulenouar wind farm is composed of 39 turbines. The plant has an installed capacity of 102MW making it the largest one of the country.

Boulenouar Wind Power Station is a major project for the country’s development. The government wants to provide universal access to electricity by 2030 to all its citizens.

The Boulenouar farm is helping the country to reach this goal, and is allowing the country to reduce fossil fuel importation.

Mauritania´s coastline, extending over several hundred kilometers, is characterized by its significant wind potential. Thus, this wind farm not only contributes to meeting domestic energy needs, but also facilitates the export of surplus energy to neighboring countries, with the consequent economic benefit for the nation. 

Somelec is the national electricity provider in Mauritania. They ensure the production, distribution of electrical energy on the national territory. Their mission is to develop the use of green electricity across the country. In 2020, they achieved a first milestone with 24% of their energy mix coming from green energy.


Mauritania grid is mainly powered by fossil fuel and imports.

The project develops green electricity and reinforce energy supply sovereignty.

The plant was built through advanced technology transfer from industrialized countries.

The project allowed to install the largest wind farm in the country.

Somelec used the local workforce to build the plant.

The project hired local people for the construction phase and relies on Mauritians technicians to ensure operation and maintenance.

Mauritania targets to provide universal access to electricity by 2030 to all its citizens.

The project is helping the country to reach this target.

